Wednesday, April 23, 2008

OH YEAH! Something I Forgot, About Which I Wanted to Make a Separate Post...

Notice in the post Laura made, below, about Jackson's haircut and planting the tomato and strawberry plants, there are some pictures accompanying it. And, further notice, that in the planting picture's Jack's wearing a freakin' UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN pullover!!!!

Oh man...I nearly had a heart attack seeing that. Being a life-long fan of all Notre Dame-based sports and IU alumnus, I HATE THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MORE THAN I HATE NEARLY ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS WORLD! When I saw it, I must've just turned pale white and had eyes bigger than saucers, because when I looked at Laura, she looked a me with a, "what on Earth's gotten into you?" look. I pushed down the simmering rage long enough to grunt, ""

She explained that it was a hand-me-down from a co-worker of hers; and, when I was still clearly bristling at this addition to his wardrobe, she had to reassure me that he'd only wear it when he was doing stuff that would get it dirty or otherwise damaged.

That made me feel a little better, but, even now, I feel the fire well up in my brain when I scroll down the list of postings on our blog and see those pictures.


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