Tuesday, February 19, 2008

In case you were wondering...

Yesterday was a typical day of picking the boys up from daycare. They were happy to see me, but wanted to stay another 10 minutes. Initially Jackson told me that he didn't want to go to Michelle's anymore. He wanted to stay at home with me all of the time. I suppose this was a plea to watch more cartoons at home, but it was one that embarrassed me as Michelle was present. It didn't phase her one bit, she just walked by and bopped him on the head with a stuffed animal she was trying to put away. At the last minute with coats and shoes on and Kian in hand, Jackson decided that he wanted to watch Jeffrey play PS2. I told him that we needed to get going home so we could eat dinner. He looked up and Kian and said, "Do you want to nurse, Kian?" I shot Jackson the most evil glare possible. At this time, Kian is attempting to get into my shirt shouting, "nurse, nurse, nurse" and Jackson is just standing there smiling. What a clever little way to get 5 more minutes out of me. Not knowing what else to do, I just grabbed his hand and started to head out the door. Just before we made it to the door I asked for Kian's binky. Not thinking I could be any more deflated, Michelle told me that Kyle didn't bring one. That was the icing on the cake. I know we are trying to get rid of it, but there are time that it would come in handy. Especially when he's tired. Maybe we should just give it up cold turkey. Maybe we should just loose it. Maybe that will be another day, but not right now.

As we started out trek home, Kian screamed for a couple of minutes while I tried to sing over his cries in an attempt to calm him down. He juse cried "no, no, no mommy." We had just started onto 465 and Jackson looked and pointed out the window saying, "Look Mom, there's heaven." I asked him if he knew anyone in heaven and he responded that Jesus was in heaven. Asked if there was anyone else and he said no, do you know anyone? I reminded him that Papaw Oddie is in heaven and we talked a little bit about him . He asked, "How did he get dead?" I love the pure innocence of children. I asked again if he knew anyone else only to hear, "King Kong is in heaven." So, in case you were wondering, King Kong is in heaven. Evidently he died in a movie. I didn't get any other specifics, but I am sure one day it will all make sense.

I just love to hear him go on and on.

Until next time...lc

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