Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Are you going to cry?"

Unfortunately that's what I heard as Jackson was on his way out the door today. Rewind a bit...My mom came up for a visit this weekend. While eating breakfast Kian was clowning around like normal and making request after request. About that time I turned to Mom and asked if she wanted to take him home with her. She said that she wouldn't mind taking Jackson, but she would never get anything accomplished with Kian around. Thankfully Mom's on vacation this week. She was due to travel to Detroit with Katy for the week, but Jacob was sent as a replacement, leaving Mom with the week off. She agreed to take to Jackson back to Jasper with her until Thursday. Now if Katy makes it to the top 16, Mom is going to drive to Detroit to watch her finish up and at that time drop Jackson off in Indy. If not, we're going to meet her in Bloomington on Thursday.

Jackson, Mom and I ran a few errands around Indy this morning before the headed out. During a leg of our journey, Jackson said, "I'll be a little sad to not be with you Mommy, but I will have fun. Don't worry. It's OK if you cry. Are you going to cry just a little or a lot." I just about lost it right there. Of course, Kyle and I cried when he left, "just a little." We both know he's in good hands, but not having him around is a bummer. He's a great kid and we can't wait for him to come home. I just got a call that they've arrived safe and sound in Jasper. That was shortly followed by, "Where Jack at?" We know it will be hard on us, but poor Kian. They are together nearly 24/7. He's going to be lost without him.

Have a great time, Bubby and Nana!!!

until next

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