Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blog Hiatus

We've been too preoccupied for a while and have neglected our blog. Believe me, it's not an intention of mine. I suppose since it's getting so nice out, we find ourselves spending more time outdoors and neglecting things indoors including this blog. Last weekend we decided to dust off the tent we received for our wedding shower that has never been used and pitched it in the back yard. Oh, what fun we had with that. Sadly it was dismantled Sunday evening awaiting the next opportunity to be used. Maybe we'll get around to it again this summer. I'm sure it won't be another 7 years. We're also getting ready to go on vacation in a couple of weeks. The day care is out for the week of June 15th, so we're packing up and hitting the open road. I'll post a vacation summary when I get time....hopefully before we actually go on vacation.

until next

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