Thursday, October 9, 2008

C.L.E.A.M. (Cash Lies Everywhere Around Me) Get the Money, Dolla Dolla Bills Ya'll

For someone with such horrific natural vision (my eyesight is -50000/20, or something), I can spot cash laying on the side of the road as I drive by it...literally.

Wednesday night, we were leaving day care, and as we crossed over an intersection, I spied something green and papery in the corner of the yard out my window to the right. Seconds after getting through the intersection, I told Laura to stop the car, that I'd seen money out on the road. She scoffed at me, but pulled over. I ran over to the spot where I'd seen the money lying, and, sure enough, it was a $5 bill.

Laura asked me how much I'd found this year - I didn't realize it was $45 until she asked about it. She went on to say that I'd better stop finding money on the ground, or I was going to have to start reporting it as taxable income.


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